DMCA Privacy Policy

Effective Date: [04 May 2023]

This DMCA Privacy Policy (“Policy”) outlines the procedures and guidelines for the handling of copyright infringement claims and the privacy practices of (referred to as the “Website”). This Policy is in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) and other applicable laws governing copyright infringement.

Copyright Infringement Claims

1.1 Reporting Copyright Infringement

If you believe that your copyrighted work has been infringed upon or that there has been a violation of intellectual property rights on our Website, please provide us with a written notice containing the following information:

a) Identification of the copyrighted work(s) claimed to have been infringed; b) Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled; c) Sufficient contact information, including your name, address, telephone number, and email address; d) A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; e) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; and f) A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or a person authorized to act on their behalf.

1.2 Counter-Notification

If you believe that a notice of copyright infringement has been wrongfully filed against you, you may submit a counter-notification to our designated Copyright Agent. Your counter-notification should include the following information:

a) Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled; b) A statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled; c) Sufficient contact information, including your name, address, telephone number, and email address; d) A statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the federal district court for the judicial district in which your address is located or, if your address is outside of the USA, for any judicial district in which the service provider may be found; e) A statement that you will accept service of process from the party who filed the copyright infringement notice or an agent of such party; and f) Your physical or electronic signature.

2. Privacy Practices

2.1 Collection of Personal Information

We may collect certain personal information from users, including but not limited to names, email addresses, and any additional information voluntarily provided through website forms or user interactions. We only collect personal information that is relevant and necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Policy or as required by law.

2.2 Use of Personal Information

The personal information collected is used for the following purposes:

a) To communicate with users and respond to their inquiries; b) To provide requested services and fulfill user requests; c) To personalize and improve user experience on the Website; d) To send promotional materials or updates regarding the Website, but only with the user’s explicit consent; e) To enforce this Policy and any applicable terms of service or agreements; and f) To comply with legal obligations and protect our rights and interests.

2.3 Disclosure of Personal Information

We may disclose personal information to third parties in the following circumstances:

a) To service providers or contractors who assist in the operation or maintenance of the Website and need access to the information to perform their duties; b) In response to valid legal requests or as required by law enforcement, government authorities, or court orders; c) To protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, and that of our users or others; or d) With the user’s explicit consent or as otherwise stated at the time of collection.

2.4 Security

We take reasonable measures to protect the personal information collected from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is entirely secure, and we cannot guarantee absolute security of the information.

2.5 Third-Party Links

The Website may contain links to third-party websites or services. This Policy does not apply to those websites or services, and we are not responsible for their privacy practices. We encourage users to review the privacy policies of those third parties.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this Policy or wish to report copyright infringement, please contact us at:

Email: [email protected]

We reserve the right to update or modify this Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective upon posting the revised Policy on the Website. It is recommended to review this Policy periodically.

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